Renard Artist Model 330 Grenadilla
Intermediate Oboe - Featuring the trusted mechanical stability of the original 330 with a full grenadilla wood body, the Renard Artist Model 330 Grenadilla is unmatched in its price range. Formerly known as the Model 335, this oboe provides outstanding resonance and tone. Stabilizing inserts in the 3rd octave, trill, and B tone holes help provide oboists with peace of mind while playing this instrument.
Standard Features
Grenadilla wood body
Stabilizing inserts in the half hole key, trill keys, and third octave key tone holes
Nickel silver lined tenon sockets
Nickel silver caps on lower tenon shoulders
Silver-plated keys, posts, bands, and bell ring
Stainless steel arbors and wire springs
Teflon-tipped stainless steel adjusting screws
High-quality cork pads on low C and above
High-quality bladder pads on low B and B♭ keys
Standard Keywork
Modified conservatory key system handmade in the United States
Third octave key
B tab
Assembly key with C-D and B-C♯ trills
A♭-B♭ trill key
G♯-A trill key
F# key tab
Left hand F key
F resonance mechanism
Low C-C♯ trill key
Articulated C# mechanism
Low B♭ with vent key
Open hole B, A, G, E, and D keys
Renard oboe case
Three-reed case and reed
Tenon cork caps
Silk swab
Cork grease
Care Cloth